A print inspired by the visual effect viewers perceive of crochet. An intricate repeat pattern which aims to appear as a 3D crochet structure through the hierarchy and placement of color. Designed for 1919 collection. 

Jacket exterior printed on Minky, lining printed on Silk Crepe de Chine by Spoonflower, Inc.

Jacket exterior printed on Minky, lining printed on Silk Crepe de Chine by Spoonflower, Inc.

Prints inspired by the literal structure of single crochet for 1919 collection.

Pants printed on Silky Faille, Dress printed on Silk Crepe de Chine by Spoonflower, Inc.

Pants printed on Silky Faille, Dress printed on Silk Crepe de Chine by Spoonflower, Inc.